algorithm - how to sum edge weights with graphx -
i have graph[int, int], each edge has weight value. want is, each user, collect in-edges , sum weight associated each of them.
say data like:
import org.apache.spark.graphx._ val sc: sparkcontext // create rdd vertices val users: rdd[(vertexid, (string, string))] = sc.parallelize(array((3l, ("rxin", "student")), (7l,("jgonzal", "postdoc")), (5l, ("franklin", "prof")), (2l, ("istoica", "prof")))) // create rdd edges val relationships: rdd[edge[int]] = sc.parallelize(array(edge(3l, 7l, 12), edge(5l, 3l, 1), edge(2l, 5l, 3), edge(5l, 7l, 5))) // define default user in case there relationship missing user val defaultuser = ("john doe", "missing") // build initial graph val graph = graph(users, relationships, defaultuser)
my ideal outcome data frame vertices ids , summed weight value... weighted in-degree measure...
id value 3l 1 5l 3 7l 17 2l 0
val temp = graph.aggregatemessages[int](triplet => {triplet.sendtodst(triplet.attr)},_ + _, tripletfields.edgeonly).todf("id","value")
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