c# - No output coming from log4net -

i trying use log4net following few tutorials , reading plethora of posts people having problems it, since can not make work properly.

i have part right on top of .config file

<configsections>       <section name="log4net" type="log4net.config.log4netconfigurationsectionhandler, log4net"/>     </configsections>   <log4net>     <appender name="rollingfile" type="log4net.appender.rollingfileappender">       <file value="log4net.log" />       <appendtofile value="true" />       <maximumfilesize value="500kb" />       <maxsizerollbackups value="2" />       <layout type="log4net.layout.patternlayout">         <conversionpattern value="%date %level %logger - %message%newline" />       </layout>     </appender>     <root>       <level value="all" />       <appender-ref ref="rollingfile" />     </root>   </log4net> 

i added line on assemblyinfo file

[assembly: log4net.config.xmlconfigurator(configfile = "web.config", watch = true)] 

and tried using logger inside mt service

private static readonly log4net.ilog log = log4net.logmanager.getlogger(system.reflection.methodbase.getcurrentmethod().declaringtype);  


private static ilog log = logmanager.getlogger(typeof(myservice)); 

no file ever created though, nor other indication happening @ all.

how can use logger?

create log4net debugappender view output of log4net in visual studio output window should give indications issue.

add app.config:

<appsettings>   <!-- log4net configuration when running in debug mode. -->       <add key="log4net.internal.debug" value="true" />    </appsettings> 

add new debug appender log4net.config:

<appender name="debugappender" type="log4net.appender.debugappender">   <immediateflush value="true" />   <layout type="log4net.layout.simplelayout" /> </appender> 

and add new appender log4net.config root:

<root>   <level value="all" />   <appender-ref ref="rollingfile" />   <appender-ref ref="debugappender" /> </root> 

run application , view visual studio output window view internal logging log4net. if there no output, log4net.config file never loading.


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