c# - How to simulate the file attribute of a .config file's appSettings section -

microsoft gives instructions how use file attribute make .config file's appsettings section reference file: example:

<appsettings file="c:\commonsettings.config">     <add key="myappspecificsetting" value="setting1" /> </appsettings> 

however, implemented appsettings , isn't general .config file feature.

now, have implemented own configurationsection, , able specify file= 1 can appsettings. aside creating property match attribute , retrieve file name, how can recreate/simulate functionality in custom configsection?

thankfully have the source code now. looks it's implemented appsettingssection reading file system, nothing special can reuse in own configuration section.

protected internal override void deserializeelement(xmlreader reader, bool serializecollectionkey)  {     string elementname = reader.name;      base.deserializeelement(reader, serializecollectionkey);     if ((file != null) && (file.length > 0)) {         string sourcefilefullpath;         string configfiledirectory;         string configfile;          // determine file location         configfile = elementinformation.source;          if (string.isnullorempty(configfile)) {             sourcefilefullpath = file;         }         else {             configfiledirectory = system.io.path.getdirectoryname(configfile);             sourcefilefullpath = system.io.path.combine(configfiledirectory, file);         }          if (system.io.file.exists(sourcefilefullpath)) {             int lineoffset = 0;             string rawxml = null;              using (stream sourcefilestream = new filestream(sourcefilefullpath, filemode.open, fileaccess.read, fileshare.read)) {                 using (xmlutil xmlutil = new xmlutil(sourcefilestream, sourcefilefullpath, true)) {                     if (xmlutil.reader.name != elementname) {                         throw new configurationerrorsexception(                                 sr.getstring(sr.config_name_value_file_section_file_invalid_root, elementname),                                 xmlutil);                     }                      lineoffset = xmlutil.reader.linenumber;                     rawxml = xmlutil.copysection();                      // detect if there xml left on after section                     while (!xmlutil.reader.eof) {                         xmlnodetype t = xmlutil.reader.nodetype;                         if (t != xmlnodetype.comment) {                             throw new configurationerrorsexception(sr.getstring(sr.config_source_file_format), xmlutil);                         }                          xmlutil.reader.read();                     }                 }             }              configxmlreader internalreader = new configxmlreader(rawxml, sourcefilefullpath, lineoffset);             internalreader.read();             if (internalreader.movetonextattribute()) {                 throw new configurationerrorsexception(sr.getstring(sr.config_base_unrecognized_attribute, internalreader.name), (xmlreader)internalreader);             }              internalreader.movetoelement();              base.deserializeelement(internalreader, serializecollectionkey);         }     } } 


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