Ignore the first two lines with ## in perl -


im newbie in programming in perl. skip first 2 lines in dataset.

these codes.

    while (<peptidelist>) {         next if $_ !=~ "##";         chomp $_;         @data = split /\t/;         chomp $_;         next if /sequence/;         chomp $_;     $npeptides++;  #  print "debug: 0: $data[0]  1:  $data[1]  2:  $data[2] 3:     $data[3]       \n" if ( $debug );     $pepseq = $data[1];     #print $pepseq."\n";     foreach $header (keys %sequence) {     #print "looking $pepseq in $header \n";     if ($sequence{$header} =~ /$pepseq/ ) {        print "matched $pepseq in protein $header" if ( $debug );         # $in =<stdin>;          if ( $header =~ /(ensgalp\s+)\s.+(ensgalg\s+)/  ) {             print "debug: $1  $2 have pep = $pepseq \n\n" if (    $debug);             $lprot = $1;             $lgene = $2;              $gccount{$lgene}++;              $pccount{$lprot}++;           #  print "$1" if($debug);           #  print "$2" if ($debug);                  print out "$pepseq,$1,$2\n";                 }             }     }      $ngenes = keys %gccount;     $nprots = keys %pccount; 

somehow peptide not in output list. please point me goes wrong?


if want skip lines contain ## anywhere in them:

next if /##/; 

if want skip lines start ##:

next if /^##/; 

if want skip first 2 lines, regardless of content:

next if $. < 3; 


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