android - setImageViewUri doesn't show picture but show background of imageview -

file file = new file("/storage/emulated/0/babycaredata/photo/20160229_161413.jpg"); if (file.exists()) {     views.setimageviewuri(, uri.parse(file.getpath()));              }  

i have check path , uri,it right.setimageviewuridoesn't show picture show white screen(background white).

try this:

file file = new file(/storage/emulated/0/babycaredata/photo/20160229_161413.jpg);  if(file.exists()) {      bitmap mybitmap = bitmapfactory.decodefile(file.getabsolutepath());     setbitmap(views,,mybitmap);  }      private void setbitmap(remoteviews views, int resid, bitmap bitmap){         bitmap proxy = bitmap.createbitmap(bitmap.getwidth(),bitmap.getheight(), bitmap.config.argb_8888);         canvas c = new canvas(proxy);         c.drawbitmap(bitmap, new matrix(), null);         views.setimageviewbitmap(resid, proxy);     } 


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