java - changing the color of an ellipse using hashtag data using Twitter4j 3.0.3 -

okay, dont know writing code, yet. working on project uses twitter api data. goal project use hash tags represent both , bad things (for sake of simplicity, lets use #good , #bad).

i want hashtag data modify color of simple ellipse shade of color in between red , green, depending on number of #good , #bad tweets. think of +100/-100 spectrum. each #good tweet +1, each #bad -1. if @ -100 tweets, ellipse full red. if @ +100 tweets, ellipse full green.

i know little complicated, art project im doing. followed tutorial , have twitter data responding on simple array list of tweets (tutorial @ using processing, java, twitter4j 3.0.3, , macbook pro osx el capitan 10.11.3

any appreciated. pointing me in direction on how code myself. if need more information me, ill respond see it!

configurationbuilder cb = new configurationbuilder(); twitter twitterinstance; query queryfortwitter;  arraylist tweets;  void setup() {   cb.setoauthconsumerkey("****");   cb.setoauthconsumersecret("****");   cb.setoauthaccesstoken("****");   cb.setoauthaccesstokensecret("****");   cb.setusessl(true);   twitterinstance = new twitterfactory(                                   ).getinstance();   queryfortwitter = new query("#good");    size(640,440);   fetchtweets();  } //setup  void draw() {   background(0);   drawtweets(); } //draw  void drawtweets() {   for(int i=0; i<tweets.size(); i++) {     status t = (status) tweets.get(i);     string user = t.getuser().getname();     string msg = t.gettext();     text(user + ": " + msg,          20,15+i*30-mousey, width-20, 40);   } //for } //drawtweets  void fetchtweets(){   try {     queryresult result =                                 queryfortwitter );     tweets = (arraylist) result.gettweets();   } catch(twitterexception te) {     println("couldn't connect: " +te);   } // end of catch twitterexception }// end of fetchanddrawtweets() 

second version:

configurationbuilder cb = new configurationbuilder(); twitter twitterinstance; query queryfortwitter;  //arraylist tweets;  void setup() {   cb.setoauthconsumerkey("****");   cb.setoauthconsumersecret("****");   cb.setoauthaccesstoken("****");   cb.setoauthaccesstokensecret("****");   cb.setusessl(true);   //twitterinstance = new twitterfactory(   //                                ).getinstance();   //queryfortwitter = new query("#feelthebern");    size(640,440);     int numgood = 50;    int numbad = 50;   (int = 0; < numgood; i++) {     tweets.add("#good");   }   (int = 0; < numbad; i++) {     tweets.add("#bad");   }  } //setup  arraylist<string> tweets = new arraylist<string>();    //create function counts tweets //that contain hashtag int counttweets(string hashtag){   int total = 0;   for(string tweet : tweets){     if(tweet.contains(hashtag)){       total++;     }   }   return total; }  void draw(){    //count , bad tweets   int goodtweets = counttweets("#good");   int badtweets = counttweets("#bad");    //calculate color based on tweet counts   float r = badtweets/100.0 * 255;   float g = goodtweets/100.0 * 255;   float b = 0;    background(r, g, b);  } 

you have break problem down smaller steps.

step 1: create function returns arraylist of tweets.

step 2: create function takes arraylist , string value, , returns number of times string occurs in tweets in arraylist.

this code assumes have arraylist<string> tweets:

int counttweets(string hashtag){   int total = 0;   for(string tweet : tweets){     if(tweet.contains(hashtag)){       total++;     }   }   return total; } 

step 3: calculate color based on number of tweets containing each word. said you'll have 100 tweets, can divide tweet count 100, multiply 255 color value.

putting together, looks this:

arraylist<string> tweets = new arraylist<string>();  void setup() {    //you these twitter,   //but testing let's fill them ourselves   int numgood = 50;   int numbad = 50;   (int = 0; < numgood; i++) {     tweets.add("#good");   }   (int = 0; < numbad; i++) {     tweets.add("#bad");   } }  //create function counts tweets //that contain hashtag int counttweets(string hashtag){   int total = 0;   for(string tweet : tweets){     if(tweet.contains(hashtag)){       total++;     }   }   return total; }  void draw(){    //count , bad tweets   int goodtweets = counttweets("#good");   int badtweets = counttweets("#bad");    //calculate color based on tweet counts   float r = badtweets/100.0 * 255;   float g = goodtweets/100.0 * 255;   float b = 0;    background(r, g, b);  } 


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