javascript - How to animate a child element with dynamic width content to the center of its parent div, jquery, greensock, css -
i trying animate child span center of parent container regardless of width of span.
below code:
<div class="btn btn--large "> <a href=""> <span> next case study </span> </a> </div>
.btn { display: inline-block; text-transform: uppercase; position: relative; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 13px; border: 2px solid #0c315d; } .btn--large { padding: 16px 60px 16px 16px; display: block; } .btn span { font-weight: 700; position: relative; }
jquery greensock
jquery(document).ready(function($) { // vars $btnspan = $('.btn span'); // animate button text $(".btn a").bind("mouseenter",function(){ $(this).find($btnspan).stop(true, false).animate({left: 50% -$btnspan.width()/1.5, ease: "bounce",}, 600); }).bind("mouseleave",function(){ $(this).find($btnspan).stop(true, false).animate({left:"0%", ease: "bounce"}, 200); }); }(jquery));
here link jsfiddle created
you can center calculating parents width , padding:
var paddingleft = parseint($btnparent.css('paddingleft')); var moveleft = $btnparent.outerwidth()/2-$btnspan.width()/2-paddingleft; $(this).find($btnspan).stop(true, false).animate({ left: moveleft, ease: "bounce"}, 600);
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