jquery - Export table to CSV in JavaScript not working for table input elements -

i have script exporting output table csv in javascript. various reasons relating (someone else's) ajax code, trigger link instead of submit button.


<a href="#" class="export"><img alt="exporttoexcel" src="../export1.png"></a> 


(".export").on('click', function (event) { var d = new date(); exporttabletocsv.apply(this, [$('#table1'), 'export' + d.gettime() + '.csv']); });  function exporttabletocsv($table, filename) { csv=createcsv($table,"yes"); csvdata = 'data:application/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeuricomponent(csv); if (navigator.mssaveoropenblob) {     // separate deal ms browsers   var blob = new blob([csv],{type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8;"});   navigator.mssaveoropenblob(blob, filename + ".csv") } else{   $(this)   .attr({      'download': filename,      'href': csvdata,      'target': '_blank'      });    } } function createcsv($table,$vis){   if($vis==="yes"){     var $rows = $table.find('tr:has(td):visible');   }else {var $rows = $table.find('tr:has(td)');}   tmpcoldelim = string.fromcharcode(11),   tmprowdelim = string.fromcharcode(0),    coldelim = '","',    rowdelim = '"\r\n"',    csv1 = '"' + $rows.map(function (i, row) {      var $row = $(row);      if($vis==="yes"){$cols = $row.find('td:visible');      }else {$cols = $row.find('td');}      return $cols.map(function (j, col) {        var $col = $(col),        text = $col.text();        return text.replace(/"/g, '""');      }).get().join(tmpcoldelim);       }).get().join(tmprowdelim)       .split(tmprowdelim).join(rowdelim)       .split(tmpcoldelim).join(coldelim) + '"';       return csv1;    } }); 

this working fine, added text input fields rows in table. export leaves blank if data inputted. assume because i'm not resubmitting form, can data fields ('.tr_classname').serialize().

in line

text = $col.text(); 

you getting text, if want content of text input, should use

text = $col.val(); 

knowing this, have evaluate if content of td input text or text


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