FormatException when passing DateTime.toString() to AppendFormat C# .NET -

i'm trying following:

 var policybuilder = new stringbuilder();       var expiration = datetime.utcnow.adddays(1).tostring("s") + "z";   policybuilder.appendformat("{ \"expiration\": \"{0}\",\n", expiration); 

however, last line throws following exception:

 exception of type 'system.formatexception' occurred in mscorlib.dll   not handled in user code   additional information: input string not in correct format. 

'expiration' string, why getting error?


if want { @ beginning have use two:

policybuilder.appendformat("{{ \"expiration\": \"{0}\",\n", 10); 

see: escaping braces in composite formatting

opening , closing braces interpreted starting , ending format item. consequently, must use escape sequence display literal opening brace or closing brace. specify 2 opening braces ("{{") in fixed text display 1 opening brace ("{"), or 2 closing braces ("}}") display 1 closing brace ("}"). braces in format item interpreted sequentially in order encountered. interpreting nested braces not supported. ....


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