r - PlotGoogleMaps -Need help in bubbleGoogleMaps -
i learning r , love far. impressed 1 of example provided in "plotgooglemaps" package. possible apply below example? please help.
the example see in package
# data preparation library(plotgooglemaps) data(meuse) coordinates(meuse)<-~x+y proj4string(meuse) <- crs('+init=epsg:28992') m<-bubblegooglemaps(meuse,zcol='zinc') m<-bubblegooglemaps(meuse,zcol='cadmium',layername='bubble plot - meuse', colpalette=terrain.colors(5),strokecolor=”)
i apply above example map below data. in example sale = zinc (in above example). , want display other attributes while highlighting bubble.
library(plotgooglemaps) bubblechart = read.table(text="itemcode,sale,name,longt,latit 101,1112,a,-89.6171,35.24992 105,1540,b,-90.0154,35.10510 106,2200,c,-89.5213,34.93277 111,1599,d,-86.8642,36.34807 113,4500,e,-86.6125,36.19958 114,3569,f,-90.4611,30.02196", header=true,sep=",")
please help...
requires transform bubblechart
data in spatialpointsdataframe. need specify coordinates , reference system in longitude , latitude measured. there related gis stackexchange question: converting geographic coordinate system in r. see wikipedia page of world geodetic system (used gps).
inspect existing spatialpointsdataframe
library(plotgooglemaps) data(meuse) # meuse data frame class(meuse) # specify coordinates , projection system coordinates(meuse)<-~x+y proj4string(meuse) <- crs('+init=epsg:28992') # meuse has become "spatialpointsdataframe" class(meuse) # contains several objects class(meuse@data) class(meuse@coords) summary(meuse@coords) class(meuse@bbox) class(meuse@proj4string) help(spatialpointsdataframe) # convert meuse data frame meusedtf <- as.data.frame(meuse)
create own spatialpointsdataframe
# set coordinates , reference system coordinates(bubblechart) <- ~longt +latit proj4string(bubblechart) <- crs("+init=epsg:4326") # wgs 84
generate maps
m <- bubblegooglemaps(bubblechart, zcol='sale', max.radius = 20000)
change max.radius
parameter change bubble size. , change key.entries
parameter set different boundaries on sales values.
you can display sales bubbles r plot with:
plot(bubblechart) points(bubblechart@coords, pch=21, cex=(bubblechart$sale)/1000, col="black", bg="blue") bubble(bubblechart, "sale", maxsize = 2.5, main = "sales in us", key.entries = 2^(-1:4))
these r plots nicer if add map of states in background identify areas.
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