javascript - Java - ScriptEngineManager nashorn Math.random does not work -
i call follow function functionname "random" , parameter "1 , 50".
private string callfunction(string functionname, string[] parameter) throws filenotfoundexception, scriptexception, nosuchmethodexception { scriptenginemanager engine = new scriptenginemanager().getenginebyname("nashorn"); engine.eval(new filereader(mypath + functionname + ".js")); invocable invocable = (invocable) engine; object result; if (parameter == null) { result = invocable.invokefunction(functionname); } else { result = invocable.invokefunction(functionname, parameter); } system.out.println(result); return (string) result; }
the content of random.js looks like:
function random(min, max){ return math.floor(math.random() * (max - min +1)) + min; }
the results never between 1 , 50. more 100.
if use not in java works. work math nashorn/javascript oherwise in java?
my solution is:
private string callfunction(string functionname, string parameter) throws filenotfoundexception, scriptexception, nosuchmethodexception, classcastexception { string result = ""; engine.eval(new filereader(propertieshandler.getfulldynamicvaluepath() + functionname + ".js")); if (parameter == null) { result = (string) engine.eval(functionname + "();"); } else { result = (string) engine.eval(functionname + parameter + ";"); } return (string) result; }
so can use parameters different types.
adding elliot's example there must wrong parameters passing in. following generates 100 values between 1 , 50.
public static void main(string[] ar) { string script = "function random(min, max) { " + "return math.floor(math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }"; scriptengine engine = new scriptenginemanager().getenginebyname("nashorn"); invocable invocable = (invocable)engine; try { engine.eval(script); (int = 0; < 100; i++) { double result = (double)invocable.invokefunction("random", 1, 50); system.out.println(result.intvalue()); } } catch (scriptexception | nosuchmethodexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } }
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