How to save and stop MS Office process with powershell? -
i need close word/excel/powerpoint documents taskbar powershell script. stop-process kills process doesnt save changes made. need save , close document. able word following script:
$wd = [runtime.interopservices.marshal]::getactiveobject('word.application') $wd.documents | % { $_.close() } get-process | ?{$_.processname -eq "winword"} | stop-process
when same excel , powerpoint error message , changes not saved. excel have done follows:
$excel = [runtime.interopservices.marshal]::getactiveobject('excel.application') $excel.activeworkbook | % { $_.close() } get-process | ?{$_.processname -eq "excel"} | stop-process
for powerpoint:
$ppt= [runtime.interopservices.marshal]::getactiveobject('powerpoint.application') $ppt.presentations | % { $_.close() } get-process | ?{$_.processname -eq "powerpoint"} | stop-process
error displayed is:
+ $excel.activeworkbook | % { $_.close() } + ~~~~~~~~~~ + categoryinfo : invalidoperation: (close:string) [], runtimeexception + fullyqualifiederrorid : methodnotfound
try code:
$excel.displayalerts = $false; $excel.workbooks | % { $; $_.close() }
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