How to calculate number of years per country in R? -

this question has answer here:

what easiest way calculate number of years per country in r? please see sample below. 1) how can create "#years" variable? observation period in real data 1990 2010, years ordered ascendingly.

2) also, possible start "0", instead of "1"?

country year    #years       2000    1       2001    2       2002    3 b       2000    1 b       2001    2 b       2002    3 

here 1 option ave base r

years <- with(df1, ave(year, country, fun=seq_along)) 

if need start 0

years <- years -1 df1$years <- years 

an option using data.table

library(data.table) setdt(df1)[, years := seq_len(.n), country] 


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