python - Retrieving the value of specific attribute using E Tree -
i have xml document through want ti retrieve value of specific attribute using e tree. below document-snippet have:
-<orcid-message> <message-version>1.2</message-version> -<orcid-profile type="user"> -<orcid-identifier> <uri></uri> <path>0000-0001-5105-9000</path>
i want retrieve value of 'path' have tried far:
tree = et.parse(file) root = tree.getroot() element in root: all_tags in element.findall('.//'): if all_tags.text: print all_tags.text, '|', all_tags.tail
what should value of 'path'
you can use element class' find method path element wish pick out, example:
import xml.etree.elementtree et tree = et.parse("filename") root = tree.getroot() path = root.find("orcid-profile/orcid-identifier/path") print(path.text)
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