javascript - issue with my game of life logic? -

i have coded conway's game of life in javascript, seems producing screen, doens't seem following same logic or running in same way @ conways game of life. don't know wrong , why running this, code seems me should following correct rules. can spot why not running correctly? here link jsfiddle

 //object constructor function cell(){     this.alive = math.random() >0.8;         this.neighbours = 0;  //number of live neighbours     this.checkneighbours = [[-1,-1],[-1,0],[0,-1],[-1,1],[1,-1],[1,0],[0,1],[1,1]]; }   function gol(size){     this.size = size;     this.grid = this.makegrid(size); };            gol.prototype.makegrid = function(size){         var grid = [];         for(var i=0; i<size; i++){             var row=[];             for(var j =0; j<size; j++){                 row.push(new cell());                }             grid.push(row);         }             return grid;     };        gol.prototype.drawgrid = function(){         grid.innerhtml = '';         for(var i=0;i<this.size;i++){             var row =this.grid[i];             var rowcell="";             for(var j=0;j<this.size;j++){                 var cell = row[j];                 if(cell.alive){                     rowcell += "x|";                 }else{                     rowcell += " |";                 }                            }             grid.innerhtml = grid.innerhtml + rowcell + "\n";         }            };    gol.prototype.underpopulation = function(ro,col){     var cell = this.grid[ro][col];     if(cell.neighbours <2){         return true;     }else{         return false;        } };   gol.prototype.overpopulation = function(ro,col){     var cell = this.grid[ro][col];     if(cell.neighbours >3){         return true;     }else{         return false;        } };    gol.prototype.backtolife = function(ro,col){     var cell = this.grid[ro][col];     if(cell.neighbours ==3 && !cell.alive){     return true;     }else{         return false;        }    };   gol.prototype.update = function(ro,col){         var cell = this.grid[ro][col];    // cell.num_of_neighbours = 0;     for(var =0; i<cell.checkneighbours.length; i++){         var checkneighbour = cell.checkneighbours[i];         var neighbour1 = checkneighbour[0];         var neighbour2 = checkneighbour[1];         if(neighbour1>=0 && neighbour1 < this.size && neighbour2 >=0 && neighbour2 < this.size){         var currentneighbour = this.grid[ro + neighbour1][col+neighbour2];         if(currentneighbour.alive){             cell.neighbours++;         }        }     } };  gol.prototype.updateall = function(){     for(var i=0; i<this.size-1;i++){         for(var j=0; j<this.size-1;j++){             this.update(i,j);         }     }    }  gol.prototype.cellstatus = function(ro,col){     var cell = this.grid[ro][col];     if(this.underpopulation(ro,col) || this.overpopulation(ro,col)){         cell.alive = false;     }else if(this.backtolife(ro,col)){         cell.alive = true;     } };  gol.prototype.allcellstatus = function(ro,col){     for(var i=0; i<this.size;i++){         for(var j=0; j<this.size;j++){             this.cellstatus(i,j);         }     }    };   var gameoflife = new gol(100);     var interval = setinterval(function(){     gameoflife.drawgrid();     gameoflife.updateall();     gameoflife.allcellstatus(); },500);     


<!doctype html> <html lang="en">   <head>     <meta charset="utf-8">     <title>game of life</title>     <script src="cell.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>   </head>   <body>     <pre id="grid">     </pre>   </body> </html> 

your update function hard follow. i've cleaned up. give try:

gol.prototype.update = function(ro,col){         var cell = this.grid[ro][col];     // uncomment this. need re-set every iteration (and fix typo)     cell.neighbours = 0;     for(var = 0; < cell.checkneighbours.length; i++){         // new indices         var newrow = ro + cell.checkneighbours[i][0];         var newcol = col + cell.checkneighbours[i][1];          // check indices in range         if (newrow >= 0 && newrow < this.grid.length && newcol >= 0 && newcol < this.grid[newrow].length) {             if(this.grid[newrow][newcol].alive){                 cell.neighbours++;             }         }     } }; 


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