java - Issues with update method in Android Studio LibGDX -
i'm trying call update method every time amount of time passes, destroys , adds new obstacle, game loop. however, when it, series of errors:
error:(146, 8) gradle: error: illegal start of expression error:(146, 16) gradle: error: illegal start of expression error:(146, 32) gradle: error: ';' expected error:(149, 23) gradle: error: ';' expected error:(151, 31) gradle: error: '.class' expected error:(151, 40) gradle: error: illegal start of expression error:(151, 41) gradle: error: ';' expected
here's code seems causing problem:
public void update(float deltatime) { texture playertexture = game.getmanager().get("player.png"); texture floortexture = game.getmanager().get("floor.png"); texture overfloortexture = game.getmanager().get("overfloor.png"); texture overfloor2texture = game.getmanager().get("overfloor2.png"); texture obstacletexture = game.getmanager().get("obstacle.png"); texture obstacle2texture = game.getmanager().get("obstacle2.png"); float timer = 0; float spawntime = 4f; private void spawnentity(); { //increment timer duration since previous frame float timer +=; //compare spawntime if (timer >= float spawntime) { //spawn object floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture, 0, 1000, 1)); floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture ,8, 10 ,5)); floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture ,10, 10 ,8)); floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture ,34 , 3 ,5)); floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture ,19 , 8 ,4)); floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture ,24 , 8 ,1.5f)); floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture ,27 , 5 , 2)); obstaclelist.add(new obstacleentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture, overfloor2texture ,25, 10 ,20)); //but want spawn on right, outside of screen view. //this right side of vp in world. depending how draw can add more it. float spawnx = camera.position.x + camera.viewportwidth / 2; //then use spawn object, since hardcoded stuff have no idea put it. //now reset timer timer-= spawntime; //and perhaps randomize spawntime? (between 2 , 4 seconds) random random; spawntime = random.nextfloat() * 2 + 2; } }
here's code gamescreen
package com.circlecrashavoider; import com.badlogic.gdx.gdx; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.vector2; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.contactimpulse; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.contactlistener; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.manifold; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.fitviewport; import com.circlecrashavoider.entities.floorentity; import com.circlecrashavoider.entities.obstacleentity; import com.circlecrashavoider.entities.obstacleentity2; import com.circlecrashavoider.entities.playerentity; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.list; import java.util.objects; import java.util.random; /** * created felipe on 2/22/2016. */ public class gamescreen extends basescreen { private stage stage; private world world; private playerentity player; private list<floorentity> floorlist = new arraylist<floorentity>(); private list<obstacleentity> obstaclelist = new arraylist<obstacleentity>(); private list<obstacleentity2> obstacle2list = new arraylist<obstacleentity2>(); public gamescreen(maingame game) { super(game); stage = new stage(new fitviewport(1024, 620)); world = new world(new vector2(0, -10), true); world.setcontactlistener(new contactlistener() { private boolean arecollided(contact contact, object usera, object userb) { return (contact.getfixturea().getuserdata().equals(usera) && contact.getfixtureb().getuserdata().equals(userb)) || (contact.getfixturea().getuserdata().equals(userb) && contact.getfixtureb().getuserdata().equals(usera)); } @override public void begincontact(contact contact) { if (arecollided(contact, "player", "floor")) { player.setjumping(false); if (gdx.input.istouched()) { player.setmustjump(true); } } if (arecollided(contact, "player", "obstacle")) { player.setalive(false); system.out.println("game over"); } if (arecollided(contact, "player", "obstacle2")) { player.setalive(false); system.out.println("game over"); } } @override public void endcontact(contact contact) { } @override public void presolve(contact contact, manifold oldmanifold) { } @override public void postsolve(contact contact, contactimpulse impulse) { } }); } @override public void show() { texture playertexture = game.getmanager().get("player.png"); texture floortexture = game.getmanager().get("floor.png"); texture overfloortexture = game.getmanager().get("overfloor.png"); texture overfloor2texture = game.getmanager().get("overfloor2.png"); texture obstacletexture = game.getmanager().get("obstacle.png"); texture obstacle2texture = game.getmanager().get("obstacle2.png"); player = new playerentity(world, playertexture, new vector2(1, 2)); (floorentity floor : floorlist) { stage.addactor(floor); } (obstacleentity obstacle : obstaclelist) { stage.addactor(obstacle); stage.addactor(player); } (obstacleentity2 obstacle2 : obstacle2list) { stage.addactor(obstacle2); } } public void update(float deltatime) { texture playertexture = game.getmanager().get("player.png"); texture floortexture = game.getmanager().get("floor.png"); texture overfloortexture = game.getmanager().get("overfloor.png"); texture overfloor2texture = game.getmanager().get("overfloor2.png"); texture obstacletexture = game.getmanager().get("obstacle.png"); texture obstacle2texture = game.getmanager().get("obstacle2.png"); float timer = 0; float spawntime = 4f; private void spawnentity(); { //increment timer duration since previous frame float timer +=; //compare spawntime if (timer >= float spawntime) { //spawn object floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture, 0, 1000, 1)); floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture ,8, 10 ,5)); floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture ,10, 10 ,8)); floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture ,34 , 3 ,5)); floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture ,19 , 8 ,4)); floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture ,24 , 8 ,1.5f)); floorlist.add(new floorentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture,overfloor2texture ,27 , 5 , 2)); obstaclelist.add(new obstacleentity(world, floortexture, overfloortexture, overfloor2texture ,25, 10 ,20)); //but want spawn on right, outside of screen view. //this right side of vp in world. depending how draw can add more it. float spawnx = camera.position.x + camera.viewportwidth / 2; //then use spawn object, since hardcoded stuff have no idea put it. //now reset timer timer-= spawntime; //and perhaps randomize spawntime? (between 2 , 4 seconds) random random; spawntime = random.nextfloat() * 2 + 2; } } @override public void render(float delta) { gdx.gl20.glclearcolor(0.5f, 0.6f, 1, 3f); gdx.gl20.glclear(gl20.gl_color_buffer_bit); stage.act(); world.step(delta, 6 ,2); stage.draw(); } @override public void dispose() { stage.dispose(); world.dispose(); } }
take @ fragment of code:
float timer +=; //compare spawntime if (timer >= float spawntime) { //spawn object
you missing brackets arround float word - trying use (float) (casting operator) way causes exception.
it should be
if (timer >= (float)spawntime)
or rather
if (timer >= spawntime)
since spawntime of float type
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