Netsuite Saved search to create substring from single field -

i want create saved search (netsuite) return me number of time got same answer.

scenario: suppose have question , 4 answer question(user can select multiple answer) , answer stored in same field separated comma.

now want create saved search return me number of time user has selected same answer.

example: suppose question 1 has 4 multiple choice a, b, c, d

response 1--> question1--> a, b, c, d

response 2--> question1--> a, b,

response 3--> question1--> a, b, c

response 4--> question1--> a

now saved search should return me

question --> answer --> count

question 1 --> --> 4

question 1 --> b --> 3

question 1 --> c --> 2

question 1 --> d --> 1

i think should consider building restlet answer queries. set take parameter question number, or have spit out answers.

inside scriptlet, you'd have saved search return question data. then, you'd iterate through list, digest answers , build response.

ultimately, restlet split out response json object.


if need gui, build suitelet instead. logic same restlet, you'd pipe resulting data simple table view.


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