javascript - Is it correct that one-time-binding re-evaluates variable when combined with ngIf directive? - AngularJS -

one of mates in work show me weird behavior of one-time binding in angular.


when have element text binding one-time binding inside block conditional ng-if, if change value, example adding letters, , later change condition of ng-if, , after value one-time binding has been refreshed.


  <div ng-if="a" class="blue">{{ ::text }}</div> 

it kind of bug, or expected behaviour?

here example of i'm doing:

if condition of ng-if made false , true, recreate contents, causing one-time ng-bind directive evaluated again.

the thing 1 time binding avoid adding watch on expression, doesn't "cache" or "store" result case content of directive compiled again.

so it's expected behavior.


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