html - PHP / SQL page never stops loading during MYSQL connection -

i´m new sql , php, pardon me asking that´s simple, reason, though don´t have loops in code, when get´s part, continues loading page indefinitely. here snippet of code that.

mysql_connect("localhost:8080", "root@localhost") or die("could not connect: " . mysql_error());  mysql_select_db("tickets");  $val1 = $_post["name"]; $val2 = $_post["mail"]; $val3 = $_post["betreff"]; $val4 = $_post["wichtigkeitsstufe"]; $val5 = $_post["nachricht"];  $sql = "insert ticket (name, e-mailodererreichbarkeitbeirückfragen, raumbezeichnungbzwnummer, wichtigkeitsstufe, problembeschreibungausführlich)         values ({$val1}, {$val2}, {$val3}, {$val4}, {$val5})"; 

i values $val1,2,3,... input boxes in html file. in advance, cheers!

edit: running both db , webserver on same ports. again help!


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