Rails create action Ajax returns Template Missing or Unknown Fomat -

i'm trying implement private_pub on one-to-one chat app, without private_pub works fine not ideal chat app since no websocket used autoupdates. tried implementing on railscasts of private_pub getting either template missing or unknown format. here code:


  resources :conversations     resources :messages   end 

i have button in user show page start chat(which creates/uses conversation , shows conversation show page 1 one chat box on facebook/gchat , conversation has many messages):

<% unless current_user == @user %>     <%= link_to "send message", conversations_path(:sender_id => current_user.id , :recipient_id => @user.id ), :method => :post, class: "btn btn-success btn-xs start-conversation" %> <% end %> 

conversation controller

class conversationscontroller < applicationcontroller   before_filter :authenticate_user!    layout false    def create     if conversation.between(params[:sender_id],params[:recipient_id]).present?       @conversation = conversation.between(params[:sender_id],params[:recipient_id]).first     else       @conversation = conversation.create!(conversation_params)     end     @conversation.save!     redirect_to @conversation   end    def show     @conversation = conversation.find(params[:id])     @reciever = interlocutor(@conversation)     @messages = @conversation.messages     @message = message.new   end    private   def conversation_params     params.permit(:sender_id, :recipient_id)   end    def interlocutor(conversation)     current_user == conversation.recipient ? conversation.sender : conversation.recipient   end end 

convesation show view

    <% content_for :bottom %>     <%= subscribe_to conversation_path(@conversation) %> <% end  %> <div class="chatboxhead">   <div class="chatboxtitle">     <i class="fa fa-comments"></i>      <h1><%= @reciever.username %> </h1>   </div>   <div class="chatboxoptions">     <%= link_to "<i class='fa  fa-minus'></i> ".html_safe, "#", class: "togglechatbox", "data-cid" => @conversation.id %>     &nbsp;&nbsp;     <%= link_to "<i class='fa  fa-times'></i> ".html_safe, "#", class: "closechat", "data-cid" => @conversation.id %>   </div>   <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="chatboxcontent">   <% if @messages.any? %>       <%= render @messages.reverse %>   <% end %> </div> <div class="chatboxinput"> <%= form_for([@conversation, @message], :remote => true) |f| %>        <%= f.text_area :body, class: "chatboxtextarea", "data-cid" => @conversation.id %>       <%= f.submit " send", class: "btn btn-primary btn-xs"%>   <% end %> </div> 

message controller

class messagescontroller < applicationcontroller   before_filter :authenticate_user!   skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:create]    def create     @conversation = conversation.find(params[:conversation_id])     @message = @conversation.messages.build(message_params)     @message.user_id = current_user.id     @message.save!      @path = conversation_path(@conversation)    end     private    def message_params     params.require(:message).permit(:body)   end end 

message's message partial

#_message.html.erb     <li class="<%=  self_or_other(message) %>">       <div class="avatar">         <img src="http://placehold.it/50x50" />       </div>       <div class="chatboxmessagecontent">         <p><%= message.body %></p>         <time datetime="<%= message.created_at %>" title="<%= message.created_at.strftime("%d %b  %y @ %i:%m%p") %>">           <%= message_interlocutor(message).username %> <%= message.created_at.strftime("%h:%m %p") %>         </time>       </div>     </li> 

message's create view

#create.js.erb     <% publish_to @path %>     var id = "<%= @conversation.id %>";     var chatbox = $(".chatboxcontent");     var sender_id = "<%= @message.user.id %>";     var reciever_id = $('meta[name=user-id]').attr("content");      chatbox.append("<%= j render( partial: @message ) %>");     chatbox.scrolltop(chatbox[0].scrollheight);      if (sender_id != reciever_id) {         chatbox.chatwith(id);         chatbox.children().last().removeclass("self").addclass("other");         chatbox.scrolltop(chatbox[0].scrollheight);         chatbox.notify();     }     <% end %> 

on message controller, create action above code results "missing template" , if put respond_to as:

respond_to |format|     format.js { render 'create.js.erb' }   end 

it results "unknown format"

this error occurs when have not added jquery_ujs file. included jquery file.

so need add both files manually in view or require them in application.js or other file using specific layout.

depending upon scenario, can follow 1st or 2nd solution.

1st solution:

<%= javascript_include_tag :jquery, :jquery_ujs %> 

on conversation show page.

2nd solution:

remove "layout false" on conversation controller


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